Blog #3

The quote I want to talk about is that of Albert Einstein, he says, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid”. By this quote I think that Einstein is referring to how everyone is expected to learn the exact same way, and if the student is unable to achieve this, then they are thought to be unteachable.

I’m don’t think that any part of Einstein’s isn’t possible to be considered in the classroom. Every student has the right to have receive a full education, and to be taught to their full potential.  Sometimes it may be difficult to make sure that students are being taught the way they learn best with every lesson, but even then a teacher should try their best to make that possible.

The way this quote talks about the teacher cols be read that the teacher isn’t wanting to help the student to reach their potential, and when a student doesn’t succeed the teacher will only pass judgement rather than help them. Also teachers need to remember that the students may need someone to be in their corner in order to have a fair chance. As for the student it isn’t fair for them to receive that judgement because if they aren’t able to learn the content, the test scores they receive aren’t a true representation of their knowledge.

Based off the knowledge I have gained over the last two lectures, this does in fact work with the original outcomes that the curriculum was used for. If a student wasn’t able to learn the content along with others then that student won’t be wanted in a factory setting. And so if students weren’t able to reach those outcomes in the past teachers may focus their attention to the students they know will succeed. Fortunately  now a days teachers will tend to have all types of learning available, and will try their best to help their students succeed.

2 thoughts on “Blog #3

  1. The quote you chose is a great one that definitely applies to education. We should not be judging childrens capabilities in the same way when children all have different abilities and ways of learning. In schools today, we give children standardized tests to test if they are learning or not without taking into consideration that there are some children who do not perform well on written tests but do better demonstrating their knowledge in other ways. This is something that we as future teachers should think about and try to change as we go into to schools.
    Great post!


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