Week Six: Experiencing Agribition.

Field trips are an important part of learning for students because they are able to have hands on experiences and also they receive a different type of learning. These types of experiences show there can be a better understanding of the topic they are learning about, it is one thing to read a book about cows, but to have your students go out and see a cow can be an entirely different type of learning, this could be the first time they have seen a cow, and this can change their understanding.

I wasn’t sure what to expect walking into Agribition with my Kindergarten students, I knew it was going to be loud and they were going to be excited, but I also had a responsibility to make sure they are learning as well as having fun. I had an entire lesson planned, I had created all these questions I wanted to ask while we were exploring the Agribition grounds. While I was attempting to ask questions I wasn’t getting the feedback I was expecting, I decided f I asked what they liked and what they learned at each display. This helped me to assess their learning, and I could also share some extra knowledge with them when they asked what I liked!

This was an eye-opening experience, and it wasn’t necessarily an easy one, we have two half day classes, which meant we were only at Agribition for two hours in the morning and afternoon, personally I felt like this was good for everyone. By the time we were leaving all the kids, and teachers were exhausted, and I’m not sure if the kids would have been able to handle being in that space for the entire day. This experience was great for me to have in my pre-internship, it made me realize the work and planning that goes into taking students on a field trip!

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